Stewardship 2024
All that we are, and everything that we have, belongs to God. God has appointed us stewards, or managers, over God’s blessings. God spoke through the prophet Malachi saying, “Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the LORD Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.” (Malachi 3:10) The “whole tithe” is 10% of your income. If you have never tithed, this may seem overwhelming. God challenges us to trust and respond, so that we may partner in the building of God’s kingdom in Ocala and beyond.
We ask you to prayerfully reflect on your faithful stewardship of all that God has blessed you with. If you are not currently giving monetarily to your St. Paul’s, please prayerfully consider beginning to do so. If you financially support St. Paul’s currently, please prayerfully consider growing in your generosity. As stated publicly and honestly, we currently find ourselves in a challenging financial situation as a church. With no cash reserves we are dependent on your contributions to meet expenses. With rising expenses related to utilities, insurance, and other critical needs we are in need of more income. As we seek funding through alternative means, we need your involvement and generosity in order to meet the needs of our church. We trust and believe that God’s faithfulness through us all will be the solution to this difficult moment.
Below you will find two important links. The first is the narrative budget for 2023. This document tells the story of our financial stewardship thus far in 2023 and highlights some opportunities and challenges we have before us. Please check it out. The second link directs you to a digital estimate of giving card for 2024.
We ask that you prayerfully consider making a financial commitment to St. Paul’s UMC for 2024. As you make a covenant with God in response to this invitation, please complete the digital ‘estimate of giving’ card linked below.
While there are many worthwhile endeavors for us to monetarily support, only one has eternal value: and that is the Church dedicated to fulfilling the Great Commission given by our Lord Jesus. “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you…” (Matt. 28:19-20)
Thank you,
William Gelner, Committee on Finance, Chairperson
Pam Michell, Lay Leader
Rev. Jeremy Knight, Pastor
Service Pledges
“…serve each other according to the gift each person has received,
as good managers of God’s diverse gifts.” 1 Peter 4:10
As disciples of Jesus Christ, our call to serve others is inescapable. At the very heart of Jesus’ lived and embodied example is selfless servanthood. As a church, we understand that our formation as servants begins here in our shared community. I invite you to follow the link below which invites you to commit to serve in simple yet meaningful ways. We are a vibrant, focused, and expectant people. In order to continue our Christ-centered work we need your help.
As part of your commitment, you are strongly encouraged to utilize the spiritual gifts inventory as directed (linked in the form below). This tool will allow you to know better how God has gifted you in this season. Sharing your results with us will help the faithful and intentional pursuit of serving one another and our neighbors.
Thank you in advance for all the ways you seek to serve God both at St. Paul’s and beyond.
We invite you to fill out your online service pledge form here: